The best insect control company in Al-Kharj to provide the best services to work on the control of insects If you are our dear customers suffer from crawling insects or flying insects or suffer from mosquitoes or rodents All you need is to contact us we are one of the leading companies and the first in the work of various insect control Pest control services in all governorates of the Kingdom The company is also working to connect a team to any client to any place once contacted The team consists of engineers and technicians trained on different methods of insect control and are aware of how to deal with insects to get rid of them completely To carry out control and ensure the complete annihilation of any type of insects without affecting the health of our valued customers or without affecting the existing agricultural crops. Serums and non-toxic substances and have no smell to get rid of cockroaches, ants, tablets and mice. These materials are characterized by being authorized by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Environment and authorized by all concerned and responsible for control work at the highest level. Pest control company in Al-Kharj provides a lot of pest control services in stores, fields, houses, residential complexes, hospitals and hotels at affordable prices for all and you can contact us to know more control services provided by The company to its customers in all provinces.
Pest control methods
Basmat Al Riyadh offers everything that is distinctive in order to be the work of control and spraying and the elimination of any type of insects In addition to that they provide the best methods of combating insects of various types by relying on extermination materials completely safe on the environment and individuals are the work of pest control without leaving the place Without removing any objects from the place and the most important control methods that the company operates:
Biological control, which depends on the complete control of insects depending on the enemy vital to the type of insect, but the disadvantages of this method that it takes longer time in addition to that the biological enemy of the insect can have other damage to the environment or individuals.
Chemical control, which depends on the provision of different types of insecticides, which the company is working to provide to work on the full control of insects, which are authorized by the Ministry of Health and non-toxic materials and completely safe to the environment, which is characterized by fast effectiveness on insects, which target vital parts.
Mechanical control by providing some methods and means that contribute to the killing of insects such as fisheries that prevent insects from spreading in place and wires that prevent the entry of insects.
All these methods and more through the company Basma Riyadh, which seeks every effort and all available to them to carry out spraying and the elimination of any type of insects do not hesitate to contract with Basma Riyadh for the full control and elimination.
Tips to prevent insects from entering the house
Our valued customers should be prevented from entering the house because they cause a lot of diseases and damage to children and adults as they leave their waste on the pots and places where children play and therefore we advise you in several steps to prevent insects from spreading in the places where you are, although studies and research It has not been established so far that there are any types of insects may cause diseases only two types, but the feeling of disgust and shit is very painful things must be done to control and eliminate insects completely of the most important advice provided by the following: -
Continuous cleaning of dust, dirt, stains and food residue so as not to help insects gather around.
Attention to the disposal of garbage immediately to prevent the formation of any unpleasant odors or dirt have a significant role in the collection of insects.
Clean the cabinets well in the kitchens to work to get rid of the dirt that can work to collect cockroaches.
Cleaning the covers and upholstery to prevent the formation of any unwanted odors in the furniture, which collects insects.
Basma Riyadh recommends ventilating the house well to get rid of moisture, which is one of the factors that help spread insects in the place.
Clean the bathrooms and toilets daily to prevent odors and dirt that can attract insects.
Blocking gutters, moses, and openings that can lead to insects entering through the application of
some insecticides in pharmacies in any place where insects are likely to be present.
من اهم العوامل التى تمنع تواجد الحشرات في المنزل رش المطهرات في اركان المنزل وبين الفواصل للا تقلقي بعد اليوم مع شركة تنظيف منازل بالرياض
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نصائح لتعبئة الاثاث
ردحذفقم دائمًا بتعبئة العناصر الصغيرة (أحذية ، ألعاب ، مصابيح صغيرة ، محمصات ، آلات صنع القهوة ، إلخ) ووسائد الأكياس ، الألحفة ، إلخ. تعبئة عربة نقل الاثاث أسهل كثيرًا إذا كانت العناصر معبأة في أكياس.
إذا لم يكن لديك الصندوق الأصلي لحماية تلفازك ، فاستخدم غلاف الفقاعات وقم بتأمين صندوق تغليف مسطح على الجزء الأمامي والخلفي والذي يعمل كصندوق مؤقت ويحمي الشاشة.
تذكر أن تتبع أي مسامير أو مسامير ملولبة عند تفكيك الأسرة ، والمهود ، وما إلى ذلك ، وإلا فقد يتعذر إعادة التجميع.
عند تعبئة المواد الغذائية السائلة (زيت الزيتون ، إلخ) في صندوق ، قم أولاً بلفها في كيس بلاستيكي لمنع أي ضرر ناتج عن التسرب / الكسر.
قم بشراء كيس تبريد لمحتويات الثلاجة / الفريزر للحفاظ على نضارتها أثناء النقل.
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